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Q:  Will I still need to wear glasses if my surgeon recommends a TECNIS Multifocal Lens?

A:  The results will vary depending upon your vision, lifestyle, and the anatomy of your eyes.  Most people find that they need glasses to read small type or drive at night.  Most people, however, can go to the store or conduct many of their day's activities without depending on glasses.  In the cases studied, 94% of those who received the technology in TECNIS Multifocal Lens "never" or only "occasionally" needed to wear glasses.

QHow is the TECNIS Multifocal Lens different from traditional single-vision intraocular lenses?

A:  The TECNIS Multifocal Lens is a multifocal intraocular lens.  Unlike traditional single-vision lens implants, the TECNIS lens provides quality vision both at a distance and up close.  Traditional single-vision lenses usually provide good vision only at a distance with limited ability to see objects that are near without glasses. 

Q:  How does the TECNIS Multifocal Lens replace the cataract?

A:  The natural lens inside the eye is gently removed through a small micro-incision in the periphery of your eye's cornea.  The cataract-impaired lens is then removed through this incision and the lens implant is inserted in its place to permanently replace it.  The procedure usually takes about 15 to 45 minutes and vision is usually improved immediately.

Q:  How long after surgery until I see my best?

A:  Like most procedures, this depends upon the overall health of your eye.  For most people, vision is noticeably better immediately and continues to improve during the first few weeks after the procedure.

Q:  Does the TECNIS Multifocal Lens require an adjustment period?

A:  Yes.  For most people there is a period of weeks when your brain is learning to "see" up close and at a distance with the new lens.  This adjustment period is usually complete within 6 to 12 weeks.  Also, like all multifocal lenses, some people report halos or glare around lights.  Again, for most people this diminishes over time.  For some, it becomes less troublesome but never completely goes away.  Most people report that the ability to see near and far outweighs any visual side-effects associated with the lens.

Q:  Are there any risks of having the TECNIS Multifocal Lens procedure?

A:  Yes.  With any surgical procedure there are risks.  The biggest risk with any cataract procedure is infection.  Fewer than one percent of patients having a lens implant procedure ever get an infection and most are treated successfully with medications.  Infections, however, can cause a severe or total loss of vision.

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