Endoscopic Cyclo Photocoagulation (ECP)
ECP is a process that uses laser energy to control glaucoma. It is a fast outpatient procedure that can reduce or eliminate the need for expensive eye drops and give you freedom from the hassle of glaucoma medication.
ECP has been shown to have a more lasting effect than ALT (ARGON Laser Trabeculoplasty) or SLT (Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty). ECP provides a surgical alternative that's both minimally invasive and very effective in helping control glaucoma and reduce or eliminate the need for eye drops.
How does ECP work?
ECP involves treating the ciliary body of the eye, which produces fluid, with a laser. The minimally invasive surgical procedure reduces the amount of fluid pressure in the eye. ECP is performed on an outpatient basis, so a hospital stay is not necessary.
The procedure takes about 10 minutes and your doctor will check you eye pressure shortly after the procedure. Drops may be prescribed to treat soreness or swelling, and you will be instructed to go home and relax for the rest of the day. You may also receive oral medications to control inflammation. Follow-up visits are necessary to monitor your eye pressure, and it may take a few weeks to see the full effect of the ECP procedure. Most patients resume normal activities within a few days.
Does ECP have a proven track record?
Generally a reimbursed procedure (coverage varies among federal, state, and private health plans), ECP has an 89% success rate with an extremely low percentage of complications compared to other surgeries to treat glaucoma. It is fast becoming the surgical treatment of choice for glaucoma patients. Remarkably, all forms of glaucoma respond to ECP with lasting results.
Can ECP be performed with cataract surgery?
Absolutely. Cataracts and glaucoma are serious conditions that can cause loss of vision. As people age, the possibility of cataract development or glaucoma diagnosis rises. In fact, many who are past age 60 have both. There are several options to treat cataracts and glaucoma separately, but ECP can treat both cataracts and glaucoma during the same surgery.
Cataract procedures are highly successful, with more than 98% of patients reporting no complications. Likewise, ECP has an 89% success rate with an extremely low percentage of complications compared to other surgeries to treat glaucoma.
If you are ready for clear, cloud-free vision without cataracts and are tired of the cost and the hassle of glaucoma medications, ask your doctor today about cataract surgery with ECP and see if it's right for you.